Sunday, March 6, 2011

handmade sunday

driftwood series

close up/driftwood series
driftwood series
close up driftwood series
bullseys series
well hello there.  sorry I have been missing in action!  I started my new job monday and  what a wake up call!  blogging and working is not easy to do.  after I get home from work, do a work out, play with oscar, tidy up, do laundry, eat dinner, admittedly watch a little reality tv... well all I can say is there are hardly enough hours in the day!  the good news is, I am still inspired daily and I have lots and lots more to share with you all!  please bare with me as I transition into full time employee and part time blogger.

talk about inspiring, check out these gorgeous handmade beauties I stumbled upon on etsy.  john & janet are the two forces behind paintsquare an etsy shop.  based in alabama, john and janet describe their creative process here, 
"we basically start with a color combination in mind. I then construct a frame and fill it with locally acquired kiln-dried lumber scraps. From those pieces, we fill the frame in visually interesting patterns of the various shapes and sizes of the pieces. We then spend quite a bit of time sanding each individual piece, determining which pieces get painted what color. Once we put the piece together, we still tweak some colors and fix any spots we think are not perfect."

and paintsquare was a featured seller this week on the etsy blog, check out more about about the artists and their creative process here.  also, be sure to visit  their etsy shop.  how I would love one of the pieces above....the color palette is right up my alley and just all of the love that goes into each piece is amazing.  bravo john and janet!
photo credit:  paintsquare

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